5:00 pm
Sit & Sew
Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Sit & Sew with Wendy
Sit & Sew with Wendy
11:00 am
Menifee Valley Featherweight Friends
Menifee Valley Featherweight Friends
10:00 am
Intermediate Quilt Class
Intermediate Quilt Class
5:00 pm
Sit & Sew
Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Intermediate Quilt Class
Intermediate Quilt Class
5:00 pm
Sit & Sew
Sit & Sew
10:00 am
10:00 am
Featherweight Maintenance Class
Featherweight Maintenance Class
12:00 pm
Featherweight Top/Bobbin Tension Class
Featherweight Top/Bobbin Tension Class
10:00 am
Intermediate Quilt Class
Intermediate Quilt Class
5:00 pm
Sit & Sew
Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Sit & Sew with Wendy
Sit & Sew with Wendy
10:00 am
Intermediate Quilt Class
Intermediate Quilt Class
5:00 pm
Sit & Sew
Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Patriotic Star
Patriotic Star