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Spider Web Quilt

Supply list below will yield approx. size 43” x 43” Spider Web Quilt.



• Scrap fabrics, starched and pressed,1 ½ yards - the starching will prevent waviness when cutting on the bias.
• White or Black fabric, starched and pressed, 1 ½ yards -to be used to form the central 4-pointed star. (4) 8 ½ strips cut into (18) 8 ½ squares
• First Border, ½ yard, (4) 2” strips, or sized to your final dimensions
• Second Border, ¾ yard, (4) 5” strips, or sized to your final dimensions
• Backing 2 ¾ yards, or sized to your final dimensions
• Batting 48” square, or sized to your final dimensions
• Binding, or sized to your final dimensions



• Sewing Machine in working order
• Template plastic to trace pattern for final central 4-pointed star with paper cutting scissors
• Favorite small scissors or snips
• Rotary Cutter with cutting mat
• Marking Pen (I used Heat Erasable Frixion gel pens, found at local Staples)
• 6”x 24” ruler with an accurate ¼” markings
• Favorite ruler to cut 8 ½” squares
• 11½ square up ruler
• Neutral thread – I used grey
• Ironing accessories to include iron, pressing mat, starch, finger-press tool or your finger nail


Prep for Spider Web Quilt Class 

To complete 1 block:

• Pattern from Dru at Sew Treasured Quilt Shop
• Make Template
• From the Black or White fabric cut (2) 8 ½” squares as instructed
• Minimum (64) 1” strips; strips should measure at least6 ½” long
• (8) 2 ½” scrap squares

Spider Web Quilt

$ 40.00