Beginner Quilting

Join us for a five week beginning quilt class. This class is perfect for anyone just getting started or anyone who wants to refine their skills by getting back to the basics. Beginners will learn accurate rotary cutting, precise piecing and assembling your blocks, borders and binding to finish a wonderful quilt!
Teacher can assist in fabric selection, preferably from the shop. You will receive a discount once enrolled in the class.
Skill Level:
A sewing machine in good working order with a new needle size 12 sharp, and that you know how to operate, with all its parts and pieces, including bobbins and screwdrivers.
Usual sewing notions (pins, seam ripper, scissors, fabric marking pen or pencil) etc.
45 mm Rotary cutter, 18 1/2 x 24 1/2" Creative Grids ruler, and a 8" x 24" Mat (for home)
A notebook or tablet and pencil for taking notes.
It is nice to have plastic bags and post-it notes
Instructor Name:
Wendy Van Eman
Instructor Bio:
Bonus: Instructor will have Accuquilt available for cutting pieces for class.
Beginner Quilting
$ 120.00